Bug Be Gone! Salve

Bug Be Gone! Salve


Lemongrass, Cedar Wood, Mint, and Citronella, all locally grown and harvested in Bvlbancha, beeswax ethically harvested in Lower 9th Ward Bvlbancha, extra virgin olive oil.

Bug Be Gone! salve is a blend of the most powerful herbal insect repellants. In addition to being an insect repellant, Bug Be Gone Salve can be used for daily use. Each of its ingredients have many other beneficial uses:

Lemongrass prevents the growth of bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass can reduce redness and swelling, reduce fever, and is a topical pain reliever. It is also high in vitamin A.

Cedar wood can reduce redness and swelling, reduce fever, and is a topical pain reliever. Can be used for strained or sore muscles.

Peppermint can help to nourish dry skin, it increases circulation, reduce redness and swelling and is antifungal.

Citronella is antimicrobial, antifungal, it can reduce redness and swelling, reduce fever, and is a topical pain reliever, it increases circulation, it also can induce sweating and helps to remove toxins from the body.

Bug Be Gone! salve can be used on eczema, abrasions, closed burns, stings, cuts, scrapes wounds and skin infections, as well as helping to keep the bugs away!

All of our plant medicines are locally grown in and around Bvlbancha. We only harvest our plant relatives in good relation with the Earth, their spirit, and during their season. Bvlbancha collective members harvest and prepare our medicine collectively. 75% of our medicine goes back to the Indigenous community in and around Bvlbancha, as well as to people in need. Only 25% of our medicines are marked for sale. The sale of those medicines goes to support Indigenous communities locally and through solidarity.

Not Evaluated by the FDA, not intended to diagnose or treat any disease

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